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So very, very, very tired

April 4, 2007

You know you are old when you actually understand the phrase “Bone tired”. I have never felt so depleted..not even when my babes were little and not sleeping (yea, like last night…but I digress) or when I was young and working 3 jobs one of which was bartending and nannying…those hours just did not go together. I was younger then and now I am old. I just had my 36th birthday and all of sudden I am wrinkled, old and tired looking and complaining that I ache when it rains.

I know aging is better than the alternative but today…I wish I could sleep like a baby, eat like a pig and have no worries or responsiblities. I feel done. Totally. done.

Spring break…whooooo-hoooo!

I am done complaining.

Well, mostly.

One Comment
  1. April 5, 2007 3:52 pm

    I hear ya sista…and I’m older than you. Just about every night when I go to bed, usually an hour later then I’d like or ever plan, I just wish silently that I could sleep like I did before I had children. Hang in there…you’ve got a lot on your plate.

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