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A smashing success!

October 21, 2007

Today’s art thing at our house was great. I want to big pink puffy heart Danny & Caroline plus Louis and Franny for coming by to give us their support and to the Aliotos who changed the time on my computer to be accurate but I have been adding about 7 minutes to the computer time for so long I am a little confused. It pains me to have the time be correct and I know that is stupid!

I wish more of our friends could have stopped by but it was great to see everyone who could make it.

D talked to so many people I am afraid he won’t be able to speak for a month now. Poor sad and silent man. sigh.

It is a lovely spring, um, FALL day and the kids had fun, thanks to our friends who brought their kids around. Our house was very clean and looked remarkably unlike its normal self and that was fine.

D sold two small pieces and that is pretty rad. Hopefully we will have pictures to come soon!

And TIV, not the one almost in Canada, my friend Debbi is working on a website for D and hopefully it will be up and going sometime. She is so nice but crazy betuz she has 6 children, volunteers at a hospital, teaches one class a week and is taking an organic chem class online. I don’t know how she will have the time but I am touched she wants to help. I love her.

I love my clean house. Do you think I can duct tape the children to their beds for the next week so it will stay clean? We could eat out every meal and shower outside? Hmmm.

  1. October 22, 2007 12:56 am

    You can keep your house as clean as you like when they are all grown up and out on their own. Sniff, sniff.


  2. kate permalink
    October 22, 2007 1:26 pm

    oh that all just sounds so so great! checked out d’s art site, and it pretty much rules. very nice, simple, well-put together design. and it is very easy to imagine needing a long, recuperative period of quiet. so tell d i said congratulations on the art-selling and everything else.

    and i think maybe another clean-house, child-control alternative would be to just keep them in the yard. they can play, eat peanut butter, found new civilizations, whatever, and then you just stand on the stoop and get ’em with the hose before they come inside. that’s how david grew up, and he loved it.

    ooh being outside up “north” right now…is it fall-icious? we’re still in a morass of insane humidity. beats hurricanes i guess…

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