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slip slidin away

November 24, 2009

Obsequious and oily I look down at the floor and then through my eye lashes ahead of me, through the crowd wondering if I should say out loud what I am thinking. I think not and I don’t. It smells like wet rubber, crushed leaves and stale smoke mingled with cheap perfume and I am bumping up against too many people I don’t want to touch. Moderately toothless gals wearing skinny jeans, oversized sweatshirts and frizzy unnaturally colored hair scowl like me looking for their progeny in the milieu. Its loud and there are too many forced smiles catching my gaze and my cheeks are starting to ache smiling back politely. Suppressing the urge to YELL get the fuck out of my way, offspring in hand literally we drag ourselves like cows to slaughter out the back door and into the rain. The back of my neck is cold and damp and I contemplate if I had some sort of accident with the car would the children be injured, how long could I be off work and how much pain would I be in? It seems like a bad plan and its dismissed as quickly as it appears in my brain and I sigh, opening the door, admonishments and warnings of where not to put your god damn muddy feet issued I put the key in and u turn towards home.

  1. November 25, 2009 9:22 am

    Oh, where the heck were you? I mean I know it’s twenty after four in the morning, and I haven’t slept… but where heck were you?

    • November 25, 2009 11:21 am

      My kids school…we pick up in the gym on raining days.

      • November 26, 2009 8:40 am

        Oh wow! I get it now… Took me a minute… I guess you go where you know when you don’t know… I was reading this thinking you were doing volunteer work at a bloody methadone clinic! LOL! (I need to get out more)

      • November 26, 2009 11:17 am

        I would do that…sounds awesome…i want to be a psych nurse eventually.

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